PolyRegion connects companies with research and training institutions that operate in the field of plastics and plastics technologies to improve the know-how, infrastructure, and competitiveness in the near-border regions of Styria, Carinthia and Slovenia.
This project intends not only to raise the competitiveness of the businesses/institutions participating in the network but also to create cross-border synergy effects between the individual businesses or research institutes in the field of plastics and their processing technologies. It is planned in addition to foster the cross-border research and development activities and significantly improve the exchange of know-how and training offers in this sector. Besides this, the PolyRegion project will implement activities for the intellectual exchange between Austrian/Slovenian students and professors as well as pilot research projects.
Within the scope of the project, Montanuniversität as a partner is decisively involved in the design of the webpage, the surveying and analysis of the competencies present in the Austrian target region with the resulting interactive competences map, besides contributing to the development and implementation of R&D and networking projects, educational and training activities.
You can find more information on the project homepage www.polyregion.org
Project period:
PolyRegion: 36 months; from 01/2012 until 03/2015
PolyRegion ProAct: 11 months; from 05/2014 until 03/2015
Project consortium:
- Visoka šola za tehnologijo polimerov
- VŠTP (SI) – Projektkoordinator (Fachhochschule für Polymere Technologien)
- Montanuniversität Leoben (AT)
- TECOS- Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije (SI) (Slowenisches Werkzeug und Formenbau Entwicklungszentrum)
- Materialscluster Styria GmbH (AT)
- GIZ Grozd Plasttehnika (GP) Slovenian Plasttechnics Cluster
Funding program: Programme for Cross-border Cooperation SI-AT 2007- 2013 (ETZ)
Polyregion:DI Renate Reumüller
PolyRegion ProAct: Dr Brigitte Kriszt