Energy Engineering

The Future of Energy

It’s not only our everyday lives that depend on electricity, heat and mobility, industry does too. Climate-friendly energy systems are vital to be able to ensure a sustainable energy supply.

The energy engineering field of study deals with the generation, transport, conversion, storage and efficient use of energy.

The right programme for you?

Tackling climate change is challenging. A hands-on mindset and strategic thinking are what is in demand.

If you like working in a team, you can actively contribute to energy transition and thus climate protection by putting your know-how and actions to use. Do you think you are ready?

What can you expect in the Energy Engineering programme?

After completing the basic training within your first four semesters, you embark on your journey in the field of energy engineering. During your studies, you will deal with current challenges in the energy sector and creating solutions that will be more in demand than ever in the future.

The goal of your studies is the sustainable and economic development of the energy sector. Along with the technical know-how, you will also gain skills in dealing with economic, ecological and legal issues.

What career opportunities are available to you after graduation?

As a Montanuniversität energy engineer you are set to make a meaningful contribution to ongoing large-scale energy transitions. Right now is the time to develop climate-friendly energy systems, and the Energy Engineering programme provides you with the necessary tools.

You are qualified for a career working on the development of innovative  energy technologies, system-wide economic and ecological efficiency evaluations, plant construction and power stations, or transmission system operators. Exciting options all around!

Study Information

Duration of study: 6 Semesters + 1 Semester Practice
ECTS: 210
Degree: BSc
Language of instruction: German
Semester plan: Energy Engineering

Possible master studies

  • Energy Engineering

More information and contact

Programme Director:

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Thomas Kienberger
Chair of Energy Network Technology
E-Mail: evt(at)

Marketing and Communication
Phone: +43 3842 402-7225


Study Programme
