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Course title Course type ECTS-Credits Semester hours Semester Teaching Language Course open to Course number
STEM - Chemistry Lecture/Practical 0.00 1.47 summer term german all students 120000
STEM - Chemistry Lecture/Practical 0.00 1.47 winter term german all students 120000
Chemistry 2 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.25 summer term german all students 120002
Chemistry 1 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german all students 120005
Methods of Chemical Analysis Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 120011
Methods of Chemical Analysis Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 120011
Analytical Chemistry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 120015
Digital Analytical Chemistry in geo-, material and environmental sciences Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 120020
Metallurgy and Corrosion for Petroleum Engineers Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 120023
Material Characterization Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 120025
Fundamentals of Analytical Methods Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 120027
"Isotopic tools for the investigation of materials " Lecture with integrated exercises 2.80 2.25 winter term english all students 120031
Research work in general and analytical chemistry Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 120046
Research work in general and analytical chemistry Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 winter term english all students 120046
Methods in general and analytical chemistry for advanced students Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 120047
Methods in general and analytical chemistry for advanced students Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 120047
Corrosion Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 120050
Research work in corrosion Privatissimum 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 120051
Research work in corrosion Privatissimum 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 120051
corrosion testing Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 120053
Laboratory on corrosion testing Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 120056
Seminar on Corrosion Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 120058
Aquatic chemistry Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 120070
Rock and mineral analysis for graduate students Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 120071
Rock- soil- and mineral analysis for graduate students Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 120071
Introduction to scientific research in geochemistry Privatissimum 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 120072
Introduction to scientific research in geochemistry Privatissimum 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 120072
Field work in aqueous chemistry Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 120073
Field work in aqueous chemistry Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 120073
Chemistry 1 Repetitorium Repetitorium 2.30 2.30 winter term german regular students only 120080
Chemistry 2 Repetitorium Repetitorium 2.30 2.30 summer term german regular students only 120081
Analytical Chemistry Repetitorium Repetitorium 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 120085
Materials and Physical Metallurgy Lecture/Practical 1.25 1.00 summer term german regular students only 120100
Chemistry of Metalls, Electrochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 120101
Principles of Corrosion Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 120102
Corrosion Prevention Lecture/Practical 1.25 1.00 summer term german regular students only 120103
Thesis CorrosionExpert Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.80 summer term german regular students only 120104
International requirements, regulations and nomenclature Seminar 1.34 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120200
Tools for analytical quality assurance Seminar 1.33 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120201
Basics and practice of documentation in the laboratory Seminar 1.33 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120202
Analytical figures of merit, method validation and calibration procedures Seminar 1.00 0.50 winter term german regular students only 120203
Qualification, maintenance and control of test equipment and software validation Seminar 1.00 0.40 winter term german regular students only 120204
Interpretation of analytical results, results at legal limits Seminar 1.00 0.40 winter term german regular students only 120205
Control charts, interlaboratory comparisons, reference materials, traceability and proficiency testing schemes Seminar 1.00 0.50 winter term german regular students only 120206
Management of data and documentation Seminar 2.00 0.90 winter term german regular students only 120207
Preparation for laboratory accreditation, audits and inspections Seminar 2.00 0.90 winter term german regular students only 120208
Uncertainty of measurement Seminar 1.50 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120209
Process analysis and process qualification Seminar 1.50 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120210
Cost management and controlling Seminar 1.50 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120211
Benchmarking of laboratory performance Seminar 1.50 0.60 winter term german regular students only 120212
General and Analytical Chemistry ELECTIVE MODULE 1 Seminar 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 120300
General and Analytical Chemistry ELECTIVE MODULE 1 Seminar 5.00 3.00 winter term english all students 120301
General and Analytical Chemistry ELECTIVE MODULE 2 Seminar 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 120302
General and Analytical Chemistry ELECTIVE MODULE 2 Seminar 5.00 3.00 winter term english all students 120303
Seminar Bachelor Thesis on the Chair General and Analytical Chemistry Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 120877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis on the Chair General and Analytical Chemistry Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 120878
Introduction to STEM Lecture/Practical 8.00 6.00 summer term german all students 120999
Introduction to STEM Lecture/Practical 8.00 6.00 winter term german all students 120999
Machine Elements IB Lecture 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 140000
Machine Elements IB Lecture 2.00 1.30 summer term german regular students only 140001
Machine Elements IA Lecture 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 140003
Application study of elaborated testing methods in the field of mechanical engineering Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140004
Strength concepts and design Standards Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140005
Konversatorium zu Maschinenelemente IA Konversatorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140006
Konversatorium zu Maschinenelemente IB Konversatorium 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 140007
Acoustics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140009
Exercises for Fatigue Analyses Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140011
Guidance to scientific research Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 140014
Guidance to scientific research Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 140016
Alternative Propulsion Concepts Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140020
"Computation of selected examples of the course ""Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen I" Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 140022
Do-it Lab CAD Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 140032
Exercises in CAD Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140033
"Machine drawing " Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140034
Engineering project in machine elements Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140050
Turbo and Piston Machines Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140065
Turbo and Piston Machines I Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140066
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140067
Machine Elements II Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 140079
Fatigue Analysis Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140085
"Einführung in den Konstruktionsprozess " Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 140086
Mechanical Design in 3D (Catia V5) Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 140087
Heavy Vehicles Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140100
Guidance to scientific research Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 140115
Guidance to scientific research Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 140118
Computer Aided Fatigue Life Estimation Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140124
Fatigue Analyses II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140130
Tribology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140141
Konstruktionsprojekt Maschinenbau Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 140153
Exercises in Machine Elements I Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 140154
Joining and surface technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140155
Mechanical Engineering Project Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140201
Mechanical Engineering Project Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140202
Development of a racing motorbike as part of the MotoStudent competition Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 140203
Development of a racing motorbike as part of the MotoStudent competition Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 140204
MINT - Digital competences Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.66 summer term german regular students only 150000
MINT - Digital competences Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.66 winter term german regular students only 150000
Algorithms and Programming Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.50 summer term german all students 150002
Computer Engineering, Operating Systems and Networks Lecture with integrated exercises 8.00 6.00 winter term german regular students only 150005
Game Theory: Decisions and Strategies in Econcomics and Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150008
Software Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150009
Lab in Software Engineering Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150010
Introduction to Digitization with Excursion Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150011
Lab in Software Engineering - Part 2 Exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150020
Advanced Methods of Machine Learning Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 150022
Lab in Advanced Methods of Machine Learning Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 150023
Do-it Lab IDS 1 Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 150031
Do-it Lab IDS 2 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 150032
Do-it Lab IDS 3 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 150033
Proseminar Object-oriented Programming Proseminar 0.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 150115
Lab in Object-oriented Programming B Exercises 1.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150116
Object-oriented Programming Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 winter term german regular students only 150117
Data Description Languages Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 150140
Exercises in Data Description Languages Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 150142
Data description languages Lecture with integrated exercises 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150143
Constructing Algorithms Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150202
Lab Constructing Algorithms Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150203
Constructing Algorithms Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 150204
Machine Learning Algorithms Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 winter term english all students 150210
Interactive Machine Learning Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term english all students 150211
Artificial Intelligence Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.50 summer term german all students 150212
Database Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150422
Databases Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 150423
Lab in Databases Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150424
Industrial Data Science Project Lecture/Practical 9.00 8.00 summer term german regular students only 150510
Industrial Data Science Project Lecture/Practical 7.00 5.00 summer term german regular students only 150520
Master Project Data Science Lecture/Practical 7.50 6.00 winter term german regular students only 150521
"Software Project for Industrial Logistics " Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 150530
Seminar Master Thesis Industrial Data Science Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 150575
Seminar Master Thesis Industrial Data Science Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 150575
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 150581
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 150581
Obligatory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 150582
Obligatory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 150582
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 150583
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 150583
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 150584
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 150584
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Industrial Data Science Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Industrial Data Science Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150878
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Information Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150879
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Information Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150880
Information Security Lecture 4.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 150893
Computer Engineering & Operating Systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150901
Lab Computer Engineering & Operating Systems Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150902
Computer networks and distributed computing Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150903
Lab Computer networks and distributed computing Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150904
IT Security Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150905
Software Tools for IT Projects Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 150906
Introduction to machine and process design Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 150907
Software Tools for IT Projects Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 150908
Repetitorium in Algorithms and Programming Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170000
Computer Assisted Data Evaluation Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170003
Selected topics in applied mathematics Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 170004
Machine Dynamics II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170006
Risk Management for engineers Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170007
Research Projects in Numerical Analysis Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170008
Machine Dynamics with MATLAB Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170009
"Machine Dynamics I " Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 170010
Multibody simulation Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170011
Multi-body-simulation Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170012
Lab in Simulation Techniques (CFD) Exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170013
Modelling and Simulation of Logistic Systems Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.50 winter term german regular students only 170014
Numerical Methods 2 Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170015
Lab in Numerical Methods 2 Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 170016
"Optimization for Industrial Logistics " Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 5.00 winter term german regular students only 170018
Inverse Problems Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term german all students 170019
Stochastics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 170020
Numerical Methods 1 Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 170021
Repetitorium in Numerical Methods 1 Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170024
Recursive Programming Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170025
Numerical Methods I Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170026
Lab in Numerical Methods I Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170027
Programming in Python Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 winter term english all students 170031
"Modelling and Simulation of Logistic Systems " Lecture 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 170032
Optimization for Industrial Logistics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170033
Exercises in Optimization for Industrial Logistics Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170034
Fundamentals of Operations Research VU Lecture with integrated exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170035
Fundamentals of Operations Research Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 170036
Operations Research Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 summer term english all students 170037
Operations Research for Logistics Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 summer term english all students 170038
Seminar in Discrete Mathematics Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 170055
Introduction into AutoCAD Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170061
Lab to Introduction into AutoCAD Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 170062
Linux 1 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 170071
Linux 2 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 170072
Programming with C++ Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 170080
Modelling, Simulation and Inverse Problems Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 170103
Lab in Modelling, Simulation and Inverse Problems Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 170104
Processing of Ores Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 180000
Basics in Mineral Processing Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180001
Fundamentals of the Measurement Systems & Handling of Selected Apparatus Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180002
Law, Safety and Evironmental protection in Mineral Processing Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180003
Processing of Construction Raw Materials Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.50 winter term german all students 180004
Basics in Processing Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180005
Lab Course on Processing of Energy Raw Materials Exercises 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 180006
Fundamentals of Mineral Processing Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180008
Mineralogical Investigations in the Mineral Processing Laboratory Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 180010
Design, Instrumentation and Operation in Processing Plants Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180011
Project Study Mineral Processing Seminar 3.50 2.50 winter term german regular students only 180012
Project Study Mineral Processing Seminar 3.50 2.50 summer term german all students 180012
Bulk solids technology Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 180013
Processing of industriel wastes - slag, sludge, dust Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 180014
Processes and Plants in the Minerals Industry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 180015
Lab Course on Processing of Ores Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 180017
Processing of Industrial Minerals Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 180018
Lab-Course on Processing of Industrial Minerals Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 180019
Computer aided Design of Mineral Processing Plants Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 180020
Introduction into Mineral Resources Engineering Lecture 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 180021
Introduction into Mineral Resources Engineering Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 180022
Lab-course: Preparation Technology Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 180025
Seminar on Mineral Processing Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180027
Processing of Energy Raw Materials I Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 180028
Processing of Energy Raw Materials II Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 180029
Study Trip to Mineral Processing Plants Field Trip 1.00 1.00 winter term german all students 180031
Instrumentation and Automation in Processing Plants Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180032
Processing of Primary Energy Raw Materials Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 180038
Processing Secondary Energy Raw Materials Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 180039
Processing of Salt Minerals Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 180045
Processing of Contaminated Soil Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 180049
Research Work in Mineral Processing Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 180050
Research Work in Mineral Processing Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 180051
Waste Treatment Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 180052
Processing of Secondary Solid Fuels - Special Waste Treatment (IU) Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 180053
Seminar Master Thesis - Mineral Processing Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 180055
Seminar Master Thesis - Mineral Processing Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 180055
Sampling and Homogenisation Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german all students 180072
Flotation Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 180074
Project Study Mineral Processing (Modul 1 for RT) Seminar 3.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 180075
Project Study Mineral Processing (Modul 1 for RT) Seminar 3.50 3.00 summer term german regular students only 180075
" Introduction to Processing of Particulate Solid Matter" Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 summer term english all students 180081
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - at Chair of Mineral Processing Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 180877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - at Chair of Mineral Processing Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 180878
CPS Research Seminar I Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 190003
CPS Research Seminar II Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 190004
Seminar for doctoral students Privatissimum 5.00 4.00 winter term english all students 190006
Integrated CPS Project Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 190014
Integrated CPS Project Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 winter term english all students 190014
Applied Machine and Deep Learning Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 winter term english all students 190015
Advanced Machine and Deep Learning Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 winter term english all students 190017
Introduction to Machine Learning Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term english all students 190018
Integrated CPS Project II Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 winter term english all students 190019
Integrated CPS Project II Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 190020
"Introduction to Data Modeling " Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 190021
Laws, Regulations and Standards in Austrian Mining Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200000
"Economic Geology and Mining Economics " Lecture 6.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200001
"Feasibility Study " Seminar 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 200009
Sustainability – Case Study Lecture/Practical 0.50 0.50 winter term english all students 200010
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200013
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200013
Mining law Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200015
Surveying and digital cartography in applied earth sciences Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200016
"Open Pit and Underground Mining I " Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200017
"Open Pit and Underground Mining II " Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200018
"Open Pit and Underground Mining III " Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200019
Surveying Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 200027
Lab in Introductory Mining Engineering Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 200028
Research projects in mining Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 200034
Research projects in mining Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 200034
Sustainability in the Raw Materials Sector Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200037
Mine Rescue Seminar Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200039
Underground Mining Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200044
Mining Subsidence Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200045
Mine Surveying Project Study Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200049
Open Pit Mining Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200051
Do-it Lab Mineral Resources Engineering 1 Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 200054
Do-it Lab Mineral Resources Engineering 2 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 200055
Environmental Aspects of Mineral Extraction Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200058
Excavation Engineering Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200059
Mine Mapping Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200062
Compulsory Practical Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200063
Compulsory Practical Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200063
Compulsory Practical Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200064
Compulsory Practical Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200064
Compulsory Practical Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200065
Compulsory Practical Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200065
Compulsory Practical Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200066
Compulsory Practical Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200066
Introductory Mining Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200067
Compulsory Practical Practice 5.00 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200068
Compulsory Practical Practice 5.00 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200068
Basics of Blasting Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 200069
Safe working in mining Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200082
Regulation of mining demages and ensuring land use Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 200091
Introduction in Mining Lecture 2.50 1.50 winter term english all students 200096
Sustainable Development: History of thought, basic concepts and current applications Lecture 6.00 4.00 winter term english all students 200098
Seminar Master Thesis Mining and Tunnelling Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 200100
Seminar Master Thesis Mining and Tunnelling Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 200100
Seminar Master Thesis International Master of Science in Advanced Mineral Resources Development Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200101
Seminar Master Thesis International Master of Science in Advanced Mineral Resources Development Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 200101
Rock Mechanics 2 – Underground , Surface Damage Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200103
Lab in Rock Mechanics 1 Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200104
Lab in Rock Mechanics 2 Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200105
Mine Ventilation, Water Control, Infrastructure Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200106
Lab in Mine Ventilation Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 200107
Deposit Modelling and associated Software Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200109
Mine Operation, Scheduling, Costing Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200110
Continuous Mining Methods and Conveying Technologies in Surface and Underground Mining Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200111
Environmental Engineering in Mining, Mine Rehabilitation and Post Mining Operation Lecture 6.00 4.00 summer term english all students 200112
Administrative- and Administrative Procedural Law Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200113
Seminar in Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics Seminar 2.00 1.00 winter term english all students 200114
Monitoring Techniques, Data Handling and Analysis in Mining Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200118
Rock Mechanics 1 – Open Pit, Slopes, Dams Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200123
Mining in Austria, the European Union and worldwide Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 200140
Risk Management in Mines Lecture 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 200143
"Spatial Planning " Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200144
"Planning of Mineral Resources Projects " Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200146
"Occupational and Process Safety " Lecture 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 200147
"Occupational and Process Safety " Lecture 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200147
"Marine Mining " Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200148
"Artisanal and Small-scale Mining in Developing Countries " Lecture 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 200149
Compulsory Practical Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200163
Compulsory Practical Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200163
Compulsory Practical Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200164
Compulsory Practical Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200164
Special Mineral Economics Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 200165
Compulsory Practical Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200166
Compulsory Practical Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200166
Compulsory Practical Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200167
Compulsory Practical Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200167
Compulsory Practical - foreign internship Practice 5.00 0.00 winter term german regular students only 200168
Compulsory Practical - foreign internship Practice 5.00 0.00 summer term german regular students only 200168
Optimisation of open pit blasts Lecture 4.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 200176
Geoinformatics Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 200185
Health & Mine Safety Regulations and Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200186
Auffrischung Sprengtechnik für Sprengbefugte Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 200187
Design of underground drift blasts Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 200188
Practical Blasting III Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200190
Mineral Economics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200193
Practical Blasting II Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 200195
Practical Blasting I Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 200196
Safety, Health and Environmental Protection of Blastings Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200197
Excursion Field Trip 2.00 4.00 summer term english all students 200198
Applied Geodesy Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200199
Applied Geodesy (Practical) Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200200
Selected Aspects of Engineering Surveying in Mining and Tunelling Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200201
Selected Aspects of Engineering Surveying in Mining and Tunelling (Practical) Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 200202
Theoretical Basis of Blasting Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200204
Open Pit Blasting Design Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200206
Legal Aspects of Blasting Lecture 1.25 1.00 summer term german regular students only 200209
Materials handling Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200212
Basics of Conveying Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200213
Continuous Conveyors Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200214
Discontinuous Conveyors Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200215
Design of mobile mining machinery - Modules, Digitalisation, Automation, Safety technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200216
Design Methods Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200217
Design of conveyor systems Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 200218
Basics of Transport Systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200220
Offshore Structures and Equipment Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 200221
Winning Machinery Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200223
Pipeline Engineering Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 200224
Drilling and Production Fundamentals Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200225
Safety Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 200226
"Discrete Element Simulation " Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200228
Transport Technology and Logistics Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 200229
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Mineral Resources Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 200877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Mineral Resources Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 200878
Project Work Project Work 6.00 1.00 summer term english all students 200901
Project Work Project Work 6.00 1.00 winter term english all students 200901
Guidance for indepentent scientific work in the area of materials science and testing of polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 210001
Fracture Mechanics of Plastics and Composites Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 210003
Guidance for indepentent scientific work in the area of materials science and testing of polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 210004
Laboratory exercises for materials testing of plastics I Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 210008
Laboratory exercises for materials testing of plastics II Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 210009
Material Science of Polymers Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 210011
Guidance for indepentent scientific work in the area of materials science and testing of polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 210012
Guidance for indepentent scientific work in the area of materials science and testing of polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 210013
Seminar for PhD students in the field of „Development and characterization of polymeric materials“ Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 210016
Polymer Properties and Component Behavior Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 210020
Material Selection, Qualification and Failure Analysis in Plastics Engineering Lecture/Practical 4.50 3.00 winter term english all students 210023
Laboratory course in fracture mechanics of polymers and composites Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 210025
Technical Biopolymers Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 210026
Recycling of Plastics Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 210031
Testing of composites Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 210035
Ageing and lifetime modeling of polymers Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 210036
New methods of optical surface analysis Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 210037
Fundamentals of Polymer Physics Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 210039
Applied Polymer Physics Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 210041
Guidance for indepentent scientific work in the area of materials science and testing of polymers Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 210044
Guidance for indepentent scientific work in the area of materials science and testing of polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 210045
Main Excursion in Plastics Engineering Field Trip 1.50 2.50 winter term german regular students only 210051
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - at the Chair of Materials Science and Testing of Polymers Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 210877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - at the Chair of Materials Science and Testing of Polymers Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 210878
Production routes for special steels Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 220001
Iron- and Steelmaking Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 220006
Ferrous Metallurgy for UKT and RT Lecture 4.00 2.50 winter term german regular students only 220027
Sustainable Metals and Alloys Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 220028
Sustainable Metals and Alloys - Exercise Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 220029
"Seminar Master thesis Sustainable Materials " Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 220030
"Seminar Master thesis Sustainable Materials " Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 220030
Industrial internship Practice 6.00 0.00 summer term german regular students only 220031
Do-it-lab Metallurgy and Metal recycling Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 220032
Fundamentals of metallurgy Lecture 6.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 220033
Exercises on fundamentals of metallurgy Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 220034
Primary processes in ferrous metallurgy Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 winter term german regular students only 220035
Secondary Metallurgy and Casting of Steel Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 220036
Computational Data Analysis in Metallurgy Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 220037
Joining technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220038
Ferrous Metallurgy for IU and RT Lecture 4.00 2.50 winter term german regular students only 220039
Ferrous Metallurgy II, Module 1 Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 220041
Ferrous metallurgy II, Modul 2 Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220042
Do-it-Lab Digital Competences for Metallurgists Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 220043
Special metallurgical process technology Lecture 4.50 3.00 summer term english regular students only 220045
Lab in ferrous metallurgy - processes Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 220046
Lab in Ferrous Metallurgy - Products Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english regular students only 220047
Metallurgy Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 220048
Special aspects of the primary metallurgy for steel production Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220049
Process routes for the production of selected steels Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 220050
Heat treatment and surface Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220051
Seminar on steel process technology Seminar 2.50 2.00 winter term english regular students only 220053
Practical Aspects of the Continuous Casting of Steels Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 220055
Casting processes for steel Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 220057
Research Seminar on Iron- and Steelmetallurgy Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 220058
Research seminar on steelmaking technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 220059
Cleanness in modern steelmaking – processes and products Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 220061
Research Seminar for Ph.D. students Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220068
Field trip on ferrous metallurgy Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term english regular students only 220070
Research Seminar for Ph.D. students Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 220073
Research seminar on steelmaking technology Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 220077
Research seminar on welding techology Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 220078
Research seminar onn steelmaking technology Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 220080
Research seminar on welding technology Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 220081
Metallurgical Project Seminar 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 220087
Metallurgical Project Seminar 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 220087
Fundamentals of metallurgy Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220090
Selected aspects of heat treatment and surface engineering Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 220111
Selected aspects of heat treatment and surface engineering Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 220111
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 220877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 220878
Seminar for PhD students in the Field of Development and Characterization of Polymers Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 231000
Polymer Photochemistry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 231002
Polymers in electronic and optical applications Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 231003
Polymeric Materials in Medical Implants Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 231005
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Synthesis of Special- and Functional Polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 231006
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Synthesis- and Functional Polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 231007
Excursion in the Field of Development and Characterization of Polymers Field Trip 0.25 0.50 winter term german regular students only 231008
Tutorial for Independent Scienctific Work in the Area of Synthesis of Special- and Functional Polymers Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 231014
Laboratory Course in Polymer Photochemistry Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 231016
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Synthesis- and Functional Polymers Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 231017
Technology of Elastomers I Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 231018
Lab in Technology of Elastomers I Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 231019
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Polymer Chemistry Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 231022
Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry I Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 231024
Fibre Technology Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 231028
Coaings Technology Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 231029
Polymer Chemistry II (Additives for Plastics) Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 231031
Lab in Polymer Chemistry (Polymere) Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 231032
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Polymer Chemistry Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 231033
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Polymer Chemistry Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 231035
Tutorial for Independent Scientific Work in the Area of Polymer Chemistry Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 231036
Organic Chemistry Lecture 2.50 1.50 winter term german regular students only 231050
Polyolefine Technology Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german all students 231051
Adhesives Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 231055
Wood Materials Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german all students 231062
Chemistry of functional polymers with switchable material properties Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german all students 231069
Colloquium on Polymer Engineering and Science Seminar 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 231400
Colloquium on Polymer Engineering and Science Seminar 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 231401
Macromolecular Chemistry Lecture 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 231500
Chemistry sustainable polymer systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 231502
Occupational safety and health protection Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 231599
Methods in Organic Chemistry Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 231600
Fundamentals of Materials 2 Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 231700
Fundamentals of Materials 2 Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 231700
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - at the Institute of Chemistry of Polymeric Materials Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 231877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - at the Institute of Chemistry of Polymeric Materials Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 231878
Electrical Engineering Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 240000
Electrical Engineering I Lecture 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 240001
Calculation Exercises in Electrical Engineering I Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 240005
Electrical Energy Engineering I Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 240009
Drives and Industrial Control Systems Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 240011
Electrical Energy Engineering II Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 240012
Digital Simulation and Computer Algebra Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 240013
Lab Practical in Electrical Engineering I Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 240021
Lab Practical in Electrical Engineering Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 240022
Electrical Engineering II B Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 240040
Lab Practical in Electrical Engineering II B Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 240049
Lab Practical in Technical Closed Loop Control Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 240059
Lab Practical in Electrical Energy Engineering Exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 240079
Electrical Large Drives Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 240085
Developments in the Field of Drives and Electronics Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 240090
Utility Scale Wind Energy Power Plants Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 240102
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Electrical Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 240877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Electrical Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 240878
FE Modelling with Python and ABAQUS Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 250000
Mechanics of polymers Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german all students 250002
Finite Element Method for KT Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term german all students 250003
Master Thesis Seminar Polymer Engineering and Science Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 250004
Master Thesis Seminar Polymer Engineering and Science Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 250004
Mechanics of Composite Materials Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.50 summer term english all students 250005
Excursion for Polymeric Lightweight Structures Field Trip 0.50 0.50 summer term german regular students only 250013
Material Modeling of Polymer and Composite Materials Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 250017
Topology Optimization Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 250018
Exercise for Designing Plastics and Composite Materials Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 250030
PhD Seminar in the Field of Design and Analysis for Polymers and Composites Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 250036
PhD Seminar in the Field of Design and Analysis for Polymers and Composites Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 250036
Composites II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 250038
FEM Computer Lab for Polymers and Composites Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.00 summer term german all students 250051
FEM Project Exercises 6.00 6.00 summer term english all students 250052
Polymer Design II Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german all students 250053
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250100
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250100
Obligatory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250101
Obligatory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250101
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250102
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250102
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250103
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250103
Obligatory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250104
Obligatory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250104
Obligatory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250105
Obligatory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250105
Obligatory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250106
Obligatory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250106
Obligatory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 250107
Obligatory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 250107
"Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Polymer Engineering and Science " Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 250877
"Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Polymer Engineering and Science " Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 250878
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Materials Science Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 250977
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Materials Science Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 250978
Introduction to Geophysics Lecture 2.00 1.50 winter term german regular students only 260000
Petrophysics Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term english regular students only 260001
Lab in petrophysics Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term english regular students only 260002
Digital Signal Processing Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.50 winter term english all students 260006
Basic well logging techniques Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 260007
Supervision master thesis in Applied and Exploration Geophysics Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 260008
Supervision master thesis in Applied and Exploration Geophysics Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 260008
Geophysical Reservoir Characterization Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.50 winter term english all students 260009
Advanced Borehole Geophysics Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 260010
Applied Geophysics Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.50 winter term english all students 260012
Geophysical Field Exercise Field Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 260013
Petrophysics of Reservoir Rocks Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 260014
Reflection Seismology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 260015
Reflection Seismic Processing Lab Exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 260017
Well Logging and Petrophysics Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 summer term english all students 260018
Fundamentals of Applied Geophysics Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 260020
Lab in Fundamentals of Applied Geophysics Exercises 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 260021
Complementary research Seminar 10.00 5.00 winter term english regular students only 260024
Complementary research Seminar 10.00 5.00 summer term english regular students only 260024
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 260028
Integrated Geophysical Field Workshop Field Exercises 6.00 4.00 winter term english all students 260029
Paleomagnetic Field and Laboratory Procedures Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 260030
Geothermal Energy Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 260033
Mineral Exploration Geophysics Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 260035
Engineering Geophysics Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 260038
Induced Seismicity Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 260041
Hydrogeology and Geothermal Systems Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 260043
Programming for Geophysicists Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 260046
Advice for scientific projects in the field of Applied Geophysics Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 260048
Advice for scientific projects in the field of Applied Geophysics Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 260048
Geophysical Seminar 1 Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 260049
Geophysical Seminar 2 Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 260050
Do-it Lab Applied Geosciences 1 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 260051
Geophysical and Geochemical Field Project Field Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 260052
"Supervision master thesis - Applied Geosciences " Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 260054
"Supervision master thesis - Applied Geosciences " Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 260054
Supervision doctorate thesis - Applied Geosciences Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 260055
Supervision doctorate thesis - Applied Geosciences Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 260056
Do-it Lab Applied Geosciences 2 Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 260057
Geophysical Well Logging Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 260060
"Required Internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260070
"Required Internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260070
Required Internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260071
Required Internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260071
"Required Internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260072
"Required Internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260072
Required Internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260073
Required Internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260073
"Required Internship Part I - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260074
"Required Internship Part I - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260074
Required Internship Part II - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260075
Required Internship Part II - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260075
"Required Internship Part III - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260076
"Required Internship Part III - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260076
Required Internship Part VI - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 260077
Required Internship Part VI - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 260077
Applied Geophysics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 260102
Geophysical Excursion Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 260130
Basics of Environmental Geophysics Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 260155
Supervision bachelor thesis - Applied Geosciences Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 260877
Supervision bachelor thesis - Applied Geosciences Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 260878
Introduction in Digital Signal Processing Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 260999
Machining and Joining of Composites Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 270000
Processing of composites II Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 270001
FRPC processing basics Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 270002
Guidance for independent scientific working Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 270003
Guidance for independent scientific working Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 270003
Processing of composites I Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 270004
Automation in Processing of Composites Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 270005
Lab inprocessing of composites Exercises 2.50 2.50 winter term german regular students only 270006
FRPC processing basics Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 270007
Thermoplastic Composite Materials (FRPC) Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 270008
Case study in processing of composites Exercises 7.50 5.00 summer term german regular students only 270010
Case study in processing of composites Exercises 7.50 5.00 winter term german regular students only 270010
Machines and Tools for Processing of Composites Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 270012
Main Excursion in Plastics Engineering Field Trip 1.50 2.50 winter term german regular students only 270015
Seminar for doctoral students in the field of Polymeric Light Weight Structures Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 270016
Seminar for doctoral students in the field of Polymeric Light Weight Structures Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 270016
Thermoset based composite materials Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 270017
Digital Image Processing Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 270019
Digitization and Automation in Polymer Technology Lecture/Practical 3.00 5.00 summer term german regular students only 270020
Automation in Polymer Engineering Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 270027
"Automating Data-Acquisition and Analysis " Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 270070
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Processing of Composites and Design for Recycling Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 270877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Processing of Composites and Design for Recycling Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 270878
Fundamentals of numerical simulation Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 310001
"Practical exercises related to ""Fundamentals of numerical simulation""" Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 310002
Simulation of casting technology Seminar 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 310005
Magneto-hydrodynamics in Metallurgy Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 310006
Supervision for Candidates for the Degree of Diplom and Doctor Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 310013
Supervision for Candidates for the Degree of Diplom and Doctor Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 310013
Supervision for Candidates for the Degree of Diplom and Doctor Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 310014
Supervision for Candidates for the Degree of Diplom and Doctor Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 310014
Seminar for postgraduates Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 310015
Seminar for postgraduates Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 310015
Supervision for Candidates for the Degree of Diplom and Doctor Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term english all students 310017
Supervision for Candidates for the Degree of Diplom and Doctor Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term english all students 310017
Process simulation in Metallurgy Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 310019
Microstructure simulation using phase field Seminar 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 310020
Use of open source programs in metallurgy Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 310021
Excursion on simulation Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 310022
Fundamentals and application of multiphase simulation Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 310024
Simulation of transport phenomena in metallurgy Seminar 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 310025
Seminar Bachelor Thesis – chair for Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 310877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis – chair for Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 310878
Basic refractory materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 320001
Selected Problems in Ceramic Sciences Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 320003
Organisation in Mineral Resources Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german all students 320005
Refractories in the iron and steel industry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 320013
Project study in the fields of building materials and ceramics Seminar 4.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 320020
Refractories in non-ferrous metallurgy – fundamentals and case studies Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 320022
Non-basic refractory materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 320024
Introduction to ceramics Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german all students 320060
Binders 1 Lecture 1.25 1.00 summer term german all students 320062
Building materials 1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term german all students 320063
Building materials 2 Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german all students 320067
Mineral Binders 2 Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 320068
Plant design and process technology for the production of building materials Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 320069
Testing methods and application of building materials Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 320070
Fundamentals of building materials and ceramics Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 320071
Glass science and technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 320073
Laboratory exercise in building materials and ceramics 2 Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 320079
Seminar Masterarbeit BMC Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 320081
Seminar Masterarbeit BMC Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 320082
Laboratory exercise in building materials and ceramics 1 Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 320086
Seminar on ceramics I Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term english regular students only 320092
Seminar on ceramics II Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term english regular students only 320094
Mineral Binders and Ceramics Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term german all students 320111
Modelling and simulation in building materials technology Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 320123
Damage and restoration of construction Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 320124
Continuous refractory wear Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 320128
Ecological and Conventional Building Materials Lecture 2.00 1.50 winter term english all students 320400
Seminar Master Thesis - Chair of Ceramics Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german all students 320877
Seminar Master Thesis - Chair of Ceramics Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german all students 320878
Solidification microstructure characterization techniques Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 330003
Foundry Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 330004
Practicals for Foundry Technology Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 330005
Casting Technology Modul I Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 330013
Practicals for casting microstructure and properties Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 330014
Casting microstructure and properties Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 330015
Seminar for casting microstructure and properties - cast design Seminar 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 330019
Practicals Casting Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 330020
Near netshape manufacturing - digital supported casting technology Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 330023
Fundamental of rapid solidification in casting and additive manufacturing processes Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 330024
Near netshape manufacturing of metallic materials Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 330025
Grain refining and direct chill casting of non ferrous metals Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 330029
Excursion for Casting Technology Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 330030
Guidance for Independent Scientific Studies for Casting Technology Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 330049
Guidance for Independent Scientific Studies for Casting Technology Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 330049
Seminar Bachelor Thesis at the Chair of Casting Research Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 330877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis at the Chair of Casting Research Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 330878
Geotechnical Monitoring and Instrumentation Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 340004
TBM tunneling Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 340007
Geotechnical Survey Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 340016
Design of Underground Structures Lecture 4.50 3.00 summer term german all students 340017
Numerical Methods in Geotechnics Lecture 4.00 2.00 winter term english all students 340019
Exercises to Numerical Methods in Geotechnics Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 340020
Tunneling Methods Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 340037
Design Models and Structural Design Lecture 1.25 1.00 summer term german regular students only 340038
Tutorial to Design Models and Structural Design Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 340039
Selected Chapters of Soil Mechanics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 340046
Tutorial to Selected Chapters of Soil Mechanics Exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 340047
Construction Operations Seminar 2.00 1.00 winter term english all students 340048
Construction Contracts Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 340051
Safety - Underground Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 340054
Principles of Soil- and Rock Mechanics Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 340055
Maintenance of Underground Infrastructure Projects Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 340058
CAD-Constructions in tunneling Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 340059
Tutorial to Principles of Soil and Rock Mechanics Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 340060
Computerbased calculations in the field of Subsurface Engineering Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 340061
Conventional Underground Construction Methods Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 340062
Geotechnical Laboratory Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 340063
Practical exercises and training in the field of Geotechnics and Tunnelling Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 340064
Soil- and Rock Mechanics Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 5.00 summer term german regular students only 340072
Design Models and Structural Design Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 340073
Crisis and Disaster Management Training(a.) Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 340076
Tutorial for Research Work Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 340092
Tutorial for Research Work Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 340093
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Subsurface Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 340877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Chair of Subsurface Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 340878
Basics of Plastics Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 350008
Extrusion Technology Lecture 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 350018
Lab in Extrusion Technology Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 350019
Machine Lab to Polymer Processing I Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 350045
Machine Lab to Plastics Processing II Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 350046
Machines and Plants for Extruding Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 350048
Metallic Materials for Plastics Processing Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 350051
Technology of Blow Moulding and Thermoforming Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 350053
Rubber Technology II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 350054
Computer aided Design of Extrusion Dies Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 350059
Recycling Technology of Polymers Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 350081
Recycling Technology of Polymers Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 350082
Recycling Technology of Polymers - Lab Course Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 350083
Polymer Nanotechnology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 350100
Injection Molding Simulation Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 350200
Special Techniques in Polymer Processing Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 350301
Modeling and Simulation of Polymer Processing with OpenFOAM Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 350400
Additive Manufacturing with Polymers Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 350649
Additive Manufacturing with Polymers - Lab Course Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 350651
Injection Moulding Technology Lecture 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 350652
Exercises to Injection Moulding Technology Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 350653
Fundamentals of Polymer Processing Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 350654
Material technology Lecture with integrated exercises 8.00 6.00 summer term german regular students only 350655
"Powder Injection Molding (PIM) " Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 350660
Material Technology Lecture with integrated exercises 8.00 6.00 summer term english all students 350665
Seminar Bachelorthesis - at the institute of polymer processing Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 350881
Seminar Bachelorthesis - at the institute of polymer processing Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 350882
MINT - Mathematics Lecture/Practical 0.00 2.27 winter term german regular students only 380100
MINT - Mathematics Lecture/Practical 0.00 2.27 summer term german regular students only 380100
Mathematics 1 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 4.50 winter term german regular students only 380101
Mathematics 2 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 3.75 summer term german regular students only 380102
Statistics VU Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 380103
Lab in Mathematics I Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 380130
Statistics for Disaster Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german all students 380140
Lab in Mathematics II Exercises 2.50 2.50 summer term german regular students only 380220
Lab in Statistics Exercises 1.50 1.50 summer term german regular students only 380253
Mathematics III Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380330
Mathematics of Economics and Statistics Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 380410
Introduction into Descriptive Geometry Lecture 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 380500
Practical course to Introduction into Descriptive Geometry Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 380501
Geometry for mechanical engineers Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 380502
Konversatorium in Mathematics I Konversatorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380601
Konversatorium in Mathematics II Konversatorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 380602
Konversatorium in Statistics Konversatorium 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 380605
Selected Topics in Analysis of Algorithms Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380610
Seminar in Advanced Mathematics Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380620
Seminar on analytic combinatorics Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 380624
Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380701
Complex Functions and Applications Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 380703
Matrix Algebra Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 380704
Fractals and their applications Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380801
Seminar in Topology Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 380803
Seminar on geometric analysis Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 380804
Calculus of Variations Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 380806
Exercises to Mechanics IA Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400004
Exercises to Mechanics IB Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400011
Fluid Mechanics Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400018
Exercises to Fluid Mechanics Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 400019
The Finite Element Method - Fundamentals and Extensions Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400020
Computational Solids Mechanics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 400026
Contact mechanics, damage and wear Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400036
Exercises to Finite Elements Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400048
Exercises to Finite Elements Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400048
The finite element method - its application in industry Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400049
Repetitorium Fluid Mechanics Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400079
Repetitorium Fluid Mechanics Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400080
Repetitorium Mechanics II Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400084
Repetitorium Mechanics II Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400085
Material Models and their Numerical Implementation Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 400088
Thermodynamics of metallic materials Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400100
MINT - Mechanics Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.80 summer term german all students 400200
MINT - Mechanics Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.80 winter term german all students 400200
Engineering Mechanics 1 Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 4.50 summer term german all students 400201
Engineering Mechanics 2 Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 winter term german all students 400202
Engineering Mechanics 3 Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term german all students 400203
Fluid Mechanics Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german all students 400204
Repetitorium Mechanik IA Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400665
Repetitorium Mechanik IA Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400665
Repetitorium Mechanik IB Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 400666
Repetitorium Mechanik IB Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 400666
"Seminar for doctoral students " Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german all students 400801
Seminar for doctoral students Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german all students 400802
Bachelor Thesis Seminar – Chair of Mechanics Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german all students 400877
Bachelor Thesis Seminar – Chair of Mechanics Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german all students 400878
Digital material design for renewable energy applications Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 400933
Digital material design for renewable energy applications Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 400934
Structural and Functional Ceramics I Lecture 4.00 2.50 winter term english all students 410002
Finite Element Modelling of Ceramic Systems Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 410004
Ceramic Composites and Laminates Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 410006
Mechanical behaviour of multilayer ceramic components and microelectronic parts Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 410009
Structural and Functional Ceramics II Lecture 4.00 2.50 summer term english all students 410012
Structural and Functional Ceramics Lab Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 410013
Research work in the field of high performance ceramics Seminar 6.00 6.00 winter term german regular students only 410020
Research work in the field of high performance ceramics Seminar 6.00 6.00 summer term german regular students only 410020
Seminar Master Work - Materials Science Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 410021
Seminar Master Work - Materials Science Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 410021
Modelling of Ceramics Behaviour Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 410022
Electroceramics for Functional Components Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 410025
Electroceramics for Functional Components Lab Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 410026
Mechanical Testing of Ceramics Lecture 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 410027
Mechanical Testing of Ceramics Lab Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 410028
Seminar Masterarbeit - AMASE Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 410031
Seminar Masterarbeit - AMASE Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 410031
Materials Traineeship - Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410101
Materials Traineeship - Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410101
Materials Traineeship - Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410102
Materials Traineeship - Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410102
Materials Traineeship - Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410103
Materials Traineeship - Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410103
Materials Traineeship - Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410104
Materials Traineeship - Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410104
Materials Traineeship - Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410201
Materials Traineeship - Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410201
Materials Traineeship - Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410202
Materials Traineeship - Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410202
Materials Traineeship - Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410203
Materials Traineeship - Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410203
Materials Traineeship - Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410204
Materials Traineeship - Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410204
Introduction to Materials Science and Technology Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 410401
Fundamentals of Materials 1 Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 410402
Fundamentals of Materials 1 Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 410402
Do-it Lab Materials 2 Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 410404
Physics of functional materials Lecture with integrated exercises 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 410406
Pat 1: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410408
Pat 1: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410408
Pat 2: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410409
Pat 2: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410409
Pat 3: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410411
Pat 3: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410411
Pat 4: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410412
Pat 4: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing. Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410412
Pat 1: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410413
Pat 2: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410414
Pat 3: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410415
Pat 4: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 410416
Pat 1: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410417
Pat 2: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410418
Pat 3: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410419
Pat 4: Material synthesis, processing and manufacturing-foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 410420
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Materials Science and Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 410877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Materials Science and Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 410878
Solid State Physics Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 420003
Physical Metallurgy - High Performance Materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 420006
Rare Earth Compounds and Metals Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 420013
Modelling of materials on the atomic level Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 420020
Modelling and Simulation of microstructural Processes Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 420047
PM-Structural Materials Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 420058
Scattering Methods in Materials Research Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 420065
High Melting Materials Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 420066
Materials Testing of High-Performance Components Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 420068
Elasticity and Dislocations in Materials Science Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 420069
Steel Grades for the Automotive Industry Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 420104
Production and properties of modern tool steels Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 420110
Material science for nuclear application Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 420114
Cemented Carbides Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 420115
Exercises to Materials modelling at atomic scale Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 420120
Materials for Additive Manufacturing Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 420130
Quantum Mechanics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 420145
Metals Science Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 420160
Computational Interface Design Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 420220
Data-Driven Materials Science Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 420225
Research work in the field of physical metallurgy Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 420230
Research work in the field of physical metallurgy Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 420230
Physical Metallurgy and application of steels Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 420231
Physical Metallurgy 1 Lecture with integrated exercises 7.00 6.00 winter term german regular students only 420250
Atom Probe Tomography in Materials Science Lecture with integrated exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 420260
Functional Materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 425000
The Art of Scientific Writing Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 425003
Surface Engineering Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 425004
Powder Metallurgy Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 425020
Nanoporous materials characterization for advanced applications Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 425030
Nanostructured materials Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 425031
Phase Transformations and Precipitation in Metals and Alloys Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 425034
Materials Testing - Lab Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 425040
Materials Testing B - Lab Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 425042
Materials Testing B Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 425043
Materials testing of metallic materials Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 425045
Materials Testing VU Lecture with integrated exercises 8.00 6.00 summer term german regular students only 425046
Introduction to Vacuum Technology Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 425050
Materials Science - Seminar Seminar 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 425051
Non-semiconductor materials in microelectronics Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 425060
Surface Engineering - Lab Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 425065
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Nanoindentation Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 425067
Research work in the field of functional materials and materials systems Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 summer term english regular students only 425110
Research work in the field of functional materials and materials systems Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 winter term english regular students only 425110
Materials Selection Seminar 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 425136
Computational data analysis in materials science Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 425140
Materials for power engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 425150
Preparatory Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Materials Science Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 425160
Additive Manufacturing Lecture 2.00 1.30 winter term german regular students only 430001
Advanced Techniques in Additive Manufacturing Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 430002
Additive Manufacturing Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 430003
Mechanics in small Dimensions Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 430005
Bone and Tissue Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 430010
In-situ and in-operando characterization techniques in material science Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 430013
Excercises to In-situ and in-operando characterization techniques in material science Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 430014
In-situ and in-operando characterization techniques in material science VU Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 430015
Materials Characterization Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 430016
Materials Characterization - Lab Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 430017
Materials Characterization and Exercises Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 430018
Structure and Scattering Methods Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 430020
Exercises to Structure and Scattering Methods Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 430021
Structure and Scattering Methods plus Exercises Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 430022
Fracture mechanics of solids Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 430026
Solidification processes and phase transformations Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 430027
Selected Chapters of Solid Physics I Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 430029
Theory of the Mechanical Properties of Solids Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 430032
Seminar in Materials Physics I Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 430034
Seminar in Materials Physics II Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 430035
Cellular solids and composite materials Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 430038
Introduction to surface and interface physics Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 430039
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Solids Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 430041
Materials Physics I Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 430045
Materials Physics II Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 430046
Materials Physics III Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 430047
Exercises to Materials Physics Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 430048
Advanced transmission electron microscopy for materials research Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 430051
Metastable Materials Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 430053
Scientific work in the field of X-ray structure research Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term english all students 430100
Scientific work in the field of X-ray structure research Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term english all students 430100
Scientific Work in Material Physics Privatissimum 0.00 6.00 summer term german regular students only 430104
Scientific Work in Material Physics Privatissimum 0.00 6.00 winter term german regular students only 430104
Scientific Work in in-situ Micro- & Nanomechanics Privatissimum 0.00 6.00 summer term english all students 430106
Scientific Work in in-situ Micro- & Nanomechanics Privatissimum 0.00 6.00 winter term english all students 430106
Research in Material Physics Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 430109
Research in Material Physics Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 430109
Bachelor thesis seminar at the Chair of Materials Physics Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 430877
Bachelor thesis seminar at the Chair of Materials Physics Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 430878
Computational Exercises to Physics IA and IB Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460001
Computational Exercises to Physics II Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 460009
Repetitorium Physics Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460020
Repetitorium Physics Repetitorium 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460020
Laboratory Course in Physics I Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460030
Laboratory Course in Physics I Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460030
Laboratory Course in Physics II Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460054
Laboratory Course in Physics IIA for Polymer Engineering and Science Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 460055
Laboratory Course in Physics IIB for Polymer Engineering and Science Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 460056
Fundamentals of Biomaterials Lecture 2.00 1.50 winter term english regular students only 460061
Physical Principles of Measurement Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460064
Industrial Semiconductor Manufacturing Technologies Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460066
Physical Principles of Measurement Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 460069
Solar Cells Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460070
Physics of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 460072
Laboratory on characterisation of materials for electronic devices Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460076
Structural research using international X-ray and neutron scattering centers Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 460085
Scanning Probe Techniques for the Characterization of Solid Surfaces Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 460093
Semiconductor Materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460094
Electronic and mechanical properties of heterostructure devices Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460096
STEM-Physics Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.80 winter term german regular students only 460100
STEM-Physics Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.80 summer term german regular students only 460100
Physics 1 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 460101
Physics 2 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 460102
Physics 3 VU Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 460103
Growth and Characterization of epitaxial layers Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460104
Magnetic Properties of Nanomaterials Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 460105
Colloidal Physics of Nanomaterials Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 460107
Introduction to surface and thin film processes Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 460111
Physics of fullerenes, graphene and carbon nanotubes Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 460113
Seminar on the Physics of Semiconductors and Nanotechnology Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 460121
Seminar on the Physics of Semiconductors and Nanotechnology Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 460122
Supervision of Scientific work in Physics of Semiconductors and Nanosystems Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 460140
Supervision of Scientific work in Physics of Semiconductors and Nanosystems Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460143
Supervision of Scientific work in Physics of Thin Films and 2D Materials Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 460145
Supervision of Scientific work in Physics of Thin Films and 2D Materials Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 460146
Supervision of Scientific work in Physics of Semiconductors and Nanosystems Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 460150
Supervision of Scientific work in Physics of Semiconductors and Nanosystems Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460153
Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 460463
Seminar Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Physics Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 460877
Seminar Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Physics Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 460878
Electrochemical energy storage and conversion Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480003
Electrochemical storage and transformation of energy Exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480004
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 480007
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480007
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 480008
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480008
Tutorial Physical Chemistry I (Mod. 1) Repetitorium 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 480009
Chemistry of Materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480010
Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry and Thermodynamics Lecture 4.00 2.50 winter term english all students 480012
Tutorial Physical Chemistry 2+3 Repetitorium 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 480013
Physical Chemistry I Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480015
Physical Chemistry I (Module 1+2) Lecture 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480016
Physical Chemistry II (Module 3) Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480031
Physical Chemistry (Part 2+3) Lecture 6.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 480035
Physical Chemistry for UKT, ET and RT Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480040
Exercises for Physical Chemistry Module A Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480041
"Exercises for Physical Chemistry Module B " Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480042
"Exercises for Physical Chemistry Module C " Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 480043
Exercises for Physical Chemistry Module D Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 480044
Exercises for Physical Chemistry Module E Exercises 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480045
"Exercises for Physical Chemistry Module F " Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480046
Equilibria and kinetics of metallurgical reactions Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480054
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 480057
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480057
Ion Conducting Ceramics Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480062
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 480067
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480067
Tutorial for independent scientific work in the area of Physical Chemistry Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480077
Transport properties of mixed conducting materials Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480080
Selected Chapters from General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480081
Selected Chapters from General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480081
Catalytic Characterisation and Measurement Methods Exercises 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 480082
Catalytic Characterizstion and Measurement Methods Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 480084
Seminar Bachelor Thesis at the chair of Phyisical Chemistry Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 480877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis at the chair of Phyisical Chemistry Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 480878
Chemical Process Engineering Lecture 5.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500000
Renewable Materials Processing Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german all students 500001
Energy and plant balances Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500002
Materials in process engineering Lecture 4.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500003
Energy balance Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 500004
Material, energy and plant balancing Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 500005
Waste Water Treatment Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500008
Introduction to scientific working Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500009
Mechanical Process Technology Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 500010
Privatissimum for PhD students in the field of process engineering Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500011
Seminar for environmental protection Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 500012
Off-Gas Treatment Lecture with integrated exercises 4.50 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500013
Introduction in Responsible Engineering Lecture 2.00 1.00 winter term german all students 500016
Sustainable transformation of industrial processes: Module 1 basic industry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 500017
Sustainable transformation of industrial processes: Module 2 bio-based energy sources Lecture 2.00 1.00 summer term german all students 500018
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Sequestration as climate protection measures Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 500020
Chemical Process Engineering Laboratory Course Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 500021
Introduction to Climate Protection and Sustainability Lecture 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 500023
Chemical/physical Waste Water Treatment Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500025
Practical Class in chemical/physical Waste Water Treatment Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 500026
Excursion KVT Field Trip 2.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500028
Introduction to Climate Protection and Sustainability Part 1-5 Lecture 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 500029
Introduction to Climate Protection and Sustainability Part 1-3 Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 500030
Introduction to Climate Protection and Sustainability Part 1-4 Lecture 4.00 2.00 summer term english all students 500031
Introduction to Climate Protection and Sustainability for Industrial Logistics Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 500032
Plant Technology I / Project Seminar 3.50 2.00 summer term english regular students only 500033
Plant Technology II / Project Seminar 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 500034
Thermal Separation Processes Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 5.00 winter term german regular students only 500035
Industrial disasters and related environmental pollutions Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term english all students 500038
Chemical Technology Lecture 1.50 1.50 summer term german regular students only 500039
Conversatorium Thermal Separation Processes Konversatorium 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 500040
Off-Gas Treatment Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500042
Practical Class in Off-Gas Treatment Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500043
Thermal Separation Processes Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 500044
Exercise for Thermal Separation Processes Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500045
Mechanical Process Technology Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 500046
Exercise for Mechanical Process Technology Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500047
Laboratory Exercises for Process Technology Exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500048
Thermal Waste Utilisation Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 500049
Paper Recycling Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 500060
Plant Engineering I Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500061
Plant Technology II Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500062
Plant Engineering and Maintenance Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 500065
Mass Balances and Properties of Bulk Materials Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500066
Seminar in Mass Balances and Properties of Bulk Materials Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 500067
Introduction to Simulation and Model Development in Computer aided Process Engineering Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500070
Laboratory Exercises for Thermal Separation Processes Exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500072
Software for Process Engineering Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500081
Patents Lecture 1.00 0.50 winter term german regular students only 500082
Applied Data Acquistion and Visualisation Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 500101
Seminar Bachelor Thesis at the Chair of Process Engineering for Industrial Environmental Protection Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 500877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis at the Chair of Process Engineering for Industrial Environmental Protection Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 500878
Rehabilitation and Stabilisation of Contaminated Sites Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515001
Applied Analytical Chemistry Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515002
Inert Material Recycling Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515003
Treatment of dangerous waste Lecture 3.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515004
Biotechnology 1 Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515005
Biotechnology 2 Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515006
Soil Processing Methods Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 515007
Prospection, Evaluation and Afteruse of Contaminated Sites Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 515010
Human- and Eco-Toxicology Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515012
Laboratory in Applied Analytical Chemistry Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515014
Laboratory in Applied Analytical Chemistry Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515014
Landfill Technology Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515015
Tutorial for postgraduate students in supply and waste technology Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515017
Tutorial for postgraduate students in supply and waste technology Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515017
"Project ""Remediation""" Project Work 3.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515018
Planning of Disposal Plants Lecture/Practical 3.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515021
Special Applied Analytical Chemistry Lecture/Practical 3.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515028
Special Water Treatment Technologies and Methods of Water Analysis Lecture 3.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515029
Exercise to Software Supported Life Cycle Assessment Exercises 4.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515032
Environmental Law (Waste Law) Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515033
Environmental Law (International Environmental Law) Lecture/Practical 4.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515035
Environmental Pollutants Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 515036
Environmental Law (Plant Law) Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515037
Environmental System Technology Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 515038
Excursion ATAW Field Trip 2.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515042
Project waste management and infrastructure Project Work 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515043
Representative sampling in the field Lecture 2.50 1.50 winter term german regular students only 515046
Basic principles of waste technology and waste management Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515047
Design for Recycling and Ecodesign Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515048
Environmental- and Waste Mineralogy Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515049
Waste logistics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515050
Special issues of waste management Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515053
Environmental Systems Water/Soil/Air Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515055
Material flow analysis, circular economy and life cycle assessment Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515061
Municipal Infrastructure and Waste Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515062
Excursion Infrastructure and Waste Management Field Trip 1.50 1.50 winter term german regular students only 515063
Seminar Master Thesis Industrial Environmental Protection and Process Engineering Seminar 0.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515070
Seminar Master Thesis Industrial Environmental Protection and Process Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 515070
Mandatory Praxis Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515071
Mandatory Praxis Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515071
Mandatory Praxis Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515072
Mandatory Praxis Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515072
Mandatory Praxis Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515073
Mandatory Praxis Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515073
Mandatory Praxis Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515074
Mandatory Praxis Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515074
Mandatory Praxis Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515075
Mandatory Praxis Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515075
Mandatory Praxis Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515076
Mandatory Praxis Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515076
Mandatory Praxis Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515077
Mandatory Praxis Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515077
Mandatory Praxis Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 515078
Mandatory Praxis Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 515078
Environment and Plant Law Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515200
Methods of Circular Economy and Waste Management Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515201
Toxicology and Environmental Pollutants Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515202
Biological Treatment of Waste Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515203
Special Environmental Analytics and Sampling Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 515204
Waste Law Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515206
Digitalization and Sensoric in Environmental Technology Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 515207
Recycling of mineral wastes Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515208
Project environmental remediation Seminar 3.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515211
Sensors and Machines in Waste Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515213
Digital Sorting Lab Exercises 4.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515215
Excursion Environmental and Waste Technology Field Trip 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515216
Seminar Master Thesis Environmental and Climate Protection Technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515218
Seminar Master Thesis Environmental and Climate Protection Technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 515218
Landfill Technology, Landfill Mining and Landfill Aftercare Lecture 1.50 1.50 winter term german regular students only 515219
Legal and economic aspects of environmental remediation Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 515220
Scientific and technical aspects of contaminated site remediation Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 515221
Municipal Circular Economy Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515222
Conception of digitized Waste Treatmend Plants Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515223
Seminar Recy&DepoTech Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515229
"Life Cycle Assessment –– Project " Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 515300
Basics and Methods of International Waste Management Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 winter term english all students 515301
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Environmental and Climate Protection Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 515877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Environmental and Climate Protection Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 515878
Recycling of metal-bearing residues Lecture 2.00 1.50 winter term german regular students only 520001
Metallurgy Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 520003
Prevention of harmful substances and substitution at materials and components Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 520004
Metal recycling Lecture 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 520005
Seminar Master thesis Metallurgy Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 520007
Seminar Master thesis Metallurgy Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 520008
Sustainability in metal production Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520009
Fundamentals of Hydrometallurgy Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 520010
Metallurgy in Extreme Environments Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 winter term english all students 520011
Do-it Lab digitale competences for metallurgy Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 520012
Fundamentals of metallurgy and metal recycling Lecture 3.50 3.00 winter term english all students 520013
"Do-it Lab Metallurgy and Metal Cycles 2 " Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 520014
Refractory Metals and Ferroalloys Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 520015
Excursion Nonferrous Metallurgy and Metal Cycles Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 520016
Reactor Design and Industrial Plant Construction Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 520017
Primary Metallurgy and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metals I Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520018
Primary Metallurgy and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals I Exercises Exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520019
Extractive Metallurgy and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520020
Nonferrous Metals Alloys Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520022
Responsible Consumption Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 520023
Nonferrous Metals Alloys - Laboratory Exercises 1.50 1.50 summer term german regular students only 520027
Applied computational thermodynamics for metallurgists Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 520033
Special Metallurgy of Nonferrous Metals Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 520038
Sustainable development in metal production Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 520040
Electron Microscopy for Metallurgists Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520042
Research Work in the field of non-ferrous metals Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 520044
Research Work in the field of non-ferrous metals Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 520045
Compulsory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520050
Compulsory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520050
Compulsory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520051
Compulsory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520051
Compulsory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520052
Compulsory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520052
Compulsory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520053
Compulsory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520053
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520054
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520054
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520055
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520055
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520056
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520056
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520057
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520057
Practice Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520058
Compulsory Practice Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520058
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520059
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520059
Compulsory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520060
Compulsory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520060
Compulsory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520061
Compulsory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520061
Compulsory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520062
Compulsory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520062
Compulsory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520063
Compulsory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520063
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520064
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520064
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520065
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520065
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520066
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520066
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520067
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520067
Practice - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520068
Compulsory Practice - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520068
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 520069
Recyclingtechnology Traineeship - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 520069
Quantitative microstructure and texture analysis by means of electron backscatter diffraction Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.50 winter term german regular students only 520070
Sustainability in recycling technology Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520100
Basics of lithium-ion batteries Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 520300
Application-related statistics: experimental design and evaluation in practice Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 520303
Excursion Field Trip 1.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 520304
Basic features of recycling technology Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 520305
Do-it-lab Sustainable Engineering 1 Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520306
"Do-it-lab Sustainable Engineering 2 " Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520308
Tutorial of recycling technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 520602
Tutorial of recycling technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 520603
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - metal production Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 520877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - metal production Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520878
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Recycling Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 520879
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Recycling Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 520880
IoT Devices Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 530000
Advanced Control Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 530001
Measurement and Sensors Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 530002
Computational Methods for Logistics Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 530003
Micro-Systems and Semiconductor Sensors Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 530004
Automation Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 530005
Exercises in Automation Technology Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 530006
Exercises in Automation Technology Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 530006
Foundations of Measurement Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 530007
Lab Classes in Measurement and Sensors Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 530011
Material Tracking Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 530012
Measurement and Sensors Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 530013
Numerical Analysis in Mechatronics Lecture 3.50 2.00 summer term english all students 530014
System and Control Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 530016
Mechatronic Design Project Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 530018
Exercises in System and Control Engineering Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 530021
Automatic Surface Inspection Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 530028
Scientific Methods in Automation Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 530052
Scientific Methods in Automation Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 530053
Data Science for Engineers II Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 530069
Data Science for Engineers I Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 530071
Digital Twins Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 530090
Digital Twins Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 530091
Hybrid Data Analysis Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 530092
Species- and usage of energy and energy conversion Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 540002
Utilization of nonfossil energy Lecture 1.25 1.00 winter term german regular students only 540003
Energy efficiency of thermal and mechanical plants Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 540005
"Excursion ""Industrial power engineering""" Field Trip 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 540008
Thermal power engineering Lecture 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 540011
Seminar for Ph.D. students Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 540014
Seminar for Ph.D. students Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 540014
"Laboratory Exercises for Energy engineers " Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 540015
Obligatory practice part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540017
Obligatory practice part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540017
Obligatory practice part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540018
Obligatory practice part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540018
Obligatory practice part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540019
Obligatory practice part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540019
Obligatory practice part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540020
Obligatory practice part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540020
Obligatory practice part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540021
Obligatory practice part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540021
Obligatory practice part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540022
Obligatory practice part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540022
Obligatory practice part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540023
Obligatory practice part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540023
Obligatory practice part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 540024
Obligatory practice part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 540024
"Excercises in Process Design and Optimisation of Combined Heat and Power Plants " Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 540025
Seminar Master Thesis - Industrial Energy Technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 540026
Seminar Master Thesis - Industrial Energy Technology Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 540026
Energy grids I Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 540027
Energy grids II Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 540028
Energy system technology I Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 540029
Process Design and Optimisation of Combined Heat and Power Plants Lecture/Practical 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 540032
Energy system technology II Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 540033
"Project ""Industrial power engineering""" Seminar 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 540035
"Project ""Digitalisation in Energy Technology""" Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 540036
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Industrial Energy Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 540877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Industrial Energy Technology Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 540878
Natural Gas and CO2 Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550002
Health, Safety and Environment Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550005
" Scientific Report Writing and Presentation Skills for Geoenergy Engineers" Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550011
Geoenergy Production Enhancement Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 550013
Geoenergy Production Systems Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term english all students 550014
Hydrogen Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550015
Geoenergy Production Principles for Geoscientists Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 550017
Geoenergy Economics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550018
Formation Impairment and Stimulation Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550019
Artificial Lift Systems and EOR Production Technology Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 summer term english all students 550020
Artificial Lift Systems for Reservoir Engineers Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 550022
Improving sustainability with Reliability Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550023
Introduction to Geomechanics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550024
Mechanical Earth Modeling Lecture/Practical 6.00 3.00 summer term english all students 550025
Automated Data Acquisition Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 550026
Geothermal Energy Facilities Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550029
Underground Energy Storage Operation Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550030
Well Testing and Wellbore Heat Transfer Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 550038
"Well Testing and Wellbore Heat Transfer for Drilling Engineers " Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 550039
Energy Transport and Network Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 550055
Metal forming and -machines Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560000
Do-it Lab Mechanical Engineering Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 560002
Metal forming and -machines Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560004
Metal Forming Machines Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560005
Digitalization and Digital Transformation in Metalforming Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 560007
Metal forming and -machines II Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560008
Metallurgical plant engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560010
Resent developments in metal forming Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560014
Metal forming Lecture 4.50 3.00 winter term english all students 560015
Simulation of Production Processes Lecture 3.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560021
Field trip on manufacturing technology Field Trip 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560022
Non-Destructive Testing Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560023
Manufacturing of light weight structures Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560024
Selection of materials and manufacturing processes Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 560026
Formability of metals Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 560027
Field trip of metal forming Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 560028
Metal Formin Practise Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560031
Metal forming and -machines Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560031
Industrial processes and their measurement methods Lecture/Practical 7.00 5.00 winter term german regular students only 560032
Simulation of sheet metal forming processes Seminar 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560033
Material models in metal forming Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560034
Microstructure characterisation during metal forming Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 560035
Machining and machine tools Lecture 2.00 1.30 summer term german regular students only 560058
Forming for Mobility Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560061
Product development and innovation management Seminar 1.25 1.00 winter term english all students 560062
Calculation Exercise in Metal Forming Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560065
Seminar Master Work - Mechnical Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 560150
Seminar Master Work - Mechnical Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 560150
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560181
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560181
"Obligatory Practice Part 2 " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560182
"Obligatory Practice Part 2 " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560182
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560183
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560183
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560184
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560184
Obligatory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560191
Obligatory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560191
"Obligatory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560192
"Obligatory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560192
"Obligatory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560193
"Obligatory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560193
Obligatory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 560194
Obligatory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 560194
Simulation of bulk forming processes Seminar 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560281
Seminar Bachelor Work - Mechanical Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 560877
Seminar Bachelor Work - Mechanical Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 560878
Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term english all students 570001
Fluid and Heat Transport in Porous Media Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 570006
Literature Review Project Seminar 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 570008
Reservoir Thermodynamics Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 570010
Seminar Master Thesis Petroleum Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 570018
Seminar Master Thesis Petroleum Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 570018
Laboratory Course, Module 1 Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 570019
Laboratory Course, Module 2 Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 570020
Laboratory Course, Module 3 Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 570021
Wellbore and Reservoir Geomechanics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 570023
"Do-it-Lab Geoenergy Engineering 1 " Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 570024
Do-it-Lab Geoenergy Engineering 2 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 570026
Do-it-Lab Geoenergy Engineering 3 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 570028
"Do-it-Lab Geoenergy Engineering 1 " Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 570029
Do-it-Lab Geoenergy Engineering 2 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 570030
Do-it-Lab Geoenergy Engineering 3 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 570031
Integrated Energy Landscape and Decarbonization Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 570032
"Geological Carbon & Hydrogen Storage " Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 570033
"Reservoir Simulation Methods " Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 summer term english all students 570035
Reservoir Characterization and Modelling Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 570036
"Geothermal Reservoir Engineering " Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 570037
"Seminar Master Thesis Geoenergy Engineering " Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 570038
"Seminar Master Thesis Geoenergy Engineering " Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 570038
Enhanced Oil Recovery Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 570039
Water Flooding Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 570040
Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 570041
Advanced Concepts for Conventional Resources Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 570042
"Unconventional Resources " Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 570043
"Special Core Analysis " Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 570044
Pore Scale & Digital Rock Physics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german all students 570045
Reservoir Management Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 570046
"Introduction to Geoenergy Engineering " Lecture 2.00 1.00 winter term english all students 570047
TripleN-Talks Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german all students 570048
Petroculture & Energy Transitioning Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 570050
Geomodeling Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 570089
Internship I Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 570100
Internship I Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 570100
Internship 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 570101
Internship 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 570101
Internship 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 570102
Internship 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 570102
Internship 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 570103
Internship 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 570103
Internship 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english regular students only 570104
Internship 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english regular students only 570104
Internship 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english regular students only 570105
Internship 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english regular students only 570105
Internship 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english regular students only 570106
Internship 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english regular students only 570106
Internship 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english regular students only 570107
Internship 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english regular students only 570107
Work experience Practice 0.00 0.00 winter term english regular students only 570108
Work experience Practice 0.00 0.00 summer term english regular students only 570108
Work experience - foreign internship Practice 0.00 0.00 summer term english regular students only 570109
Work experience - foreign internship Practice 0.00 0.00 winter term english regular students only 570109
Seminar Bachelorarbeit - Geoenergy Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term english regular students only 570877
Seminar Bachelorarbeit - Geoenergy Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 570878
Heat Engineering Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580001
Fuel and Combustion Technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580002
Applied heat technology Seminar 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580003
Applied fuel- and combustion engineering Seminar 1.25 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580004
Heat Engineering Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 580005
Laboratory for heat technology Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 580006
Laboratory course concerning introduction in heat- and thermal process engineering Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580007
Engineering Thermodynamics Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 580008
Electrical Heating Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580009
Industrial Furnace technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580010
High temperature process technology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580011
Training to high-temperature techniques Seminar 2.25 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580012
Modelling and Simulation in Safety Technology Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580014
Modelling in the heat transfer Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580015
Seminar to modelling in the heat transfer Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 580016
Process-integrated environmental protection Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580017
Seminar technical energy management Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580018
Technical energy management Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580019
Exercises in Technical Thermodynamics Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580020
Excursion to heat engineering I Field Trip 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580021
Excursion to heat engineering II Field Trip 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580022
Engineering Thermodynamics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580023
Apparatus design Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580024
Apparatus Engineering Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580026
Process- and plant safety Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580028
Process- and Plant safety II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 580029
Process and plant safety lab Exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580030
Recycling of Secondary Raw Materials I Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 580034
Basics of nuclear engineering Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 580050
Training to heat-engineering Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580056
Seminar for Ph.D. students Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 580057
Seminar for Ph.D. students Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 580058
Training for MSc. Candidates I Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 580059
Training for MSc. Candidates II Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 580060
Thermal power enineering of fossil (conventional) fuels Lecture/Practical 4.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580074
Health-, Safety and Emergency Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 580075
Process modelling Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580079
Process- and plant safety Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 4.00 summer term english regular students only 580100
Contingency Planning in the Area of Natural Hazards Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580300
Sociological and socio-psychological Perspectives on Risk and Disaster Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580301
Risk and Crisis Communication Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580302
Risk Participation and Conflict Mediation Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580303
Interdisciplinary Seminar: Crisis and Disaster Research Seminar 5.50 1.50 summer term english regular students only 580305
Crisis and Disaster Management Training (b.): Interdisciplinary Reflection Seminar 1.50 1.50 winter term english regular students only 580306
Corporate Communication and Crisis Communication for Managers Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.50 winter term english regular students only 580308
Critical infrastructure protection Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580309
Defence of CBRN Hazards Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580311
Technology assessment and societal risk perception Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580312
Leadership in Non-Routine Situations: Change, Cultural Diversity, Crisis Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580313
Climate Change and Impact on Natural Hazards Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580314
Emergence of Disasters triggered by Natural Hazards (DTNH) Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580315
Natural hazards: Understanding Warnings Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580316
Risk Governance Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580317
First Aid Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 580319
Disaster Medicine Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580321
Foundations of Natural and Engineer Sciences Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580323
Applied Plant Safety Exercises 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580325
Structures and Actors in Dealing with Hazards Field Trip 2.00 1.50 summer term english regular students only 580326
Perspectives from the Humanities and Cultural Studies on Risk and Disaster Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580328
Vulnerability, Stress, Resilience Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580329
Legal Aspects for Safety and Disaster Managers Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 580331
Crisis and Disaster Management Training and Interdisciplinary Reflection (c.) Exercises 1.00 0.50 summer term english regular students only 580332
Leadership and Personal Development based on Depth-Psychological Approaches Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.50 summer term english regular students only 580334
Media Training Exercises 1.50 1.00 winter term english regular students only 580335
Overall workload Privatissimum 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 580336
Preventive Planning and Protective Measures in the Surroundings of Industrial Plants Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580337
Seminar Bachelor Thesis Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 580877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 580878
Well Control Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 590001
Advanced Well Construction Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 summer term english all students 590002
Drilling Engineering and Well Design Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term english all students 590003
Completion Engineering and Well Design Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 summer term english all students 590004
Mechanical Technology GE Lecture/Practical 5.00 3.00 summer term german all students 590006
Cementing Lab Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 590007
Sustainable Use of Wells , Plug & Abandonment Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 590008
Well Construction Problems and Solutions Proseminar 4.00 2.00 winter term english all students 590011
Well Placement Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 590014
Measurement Control, Monitoring and Analysis Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 590015
Well Integrity Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 590020
Tutorial for Master Theses in the Field of Drilling and Completion Engineering Lecture 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 590022
Lab in Energy Storage Project Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 590024
Advanced Well Monitoring and Analysis Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 590025
Well Construction Equipment Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 590026
Computational Continuum Mechanics Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 590028
Digitalization Workshop Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 590037
Drilling Process Evaluation and Planning Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 590038
Introduction to Field Development Project Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 590040
Field Development Project Seminar 3.00 1.00 winter term english all students 590041
Tutorial for Master Theses in the Field of Drilling and Completion Engineering Lecture 3.00 3.00 summer term english regular students only 590043
Well Construction Fluids Lab Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 590044
Well Construction Mechanical Lab Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 590045
Introduction to Drilling for Geoscientists Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english regular students only 590094
Introduction in Petroleum Geology Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 590201
Introduction in Petroleum Geology Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 590201
Introduction in Petroleum Engineering Design A Lecture/Practical 6.00 6.00 winter term english regular students only 590202
Introduction in Petroleum Engineering Design A Lecture/Practical 6.00 6.00 summer term english regular students only 590202
Introduction in Petroleum Engineering Design B Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term english regular students only 590206
Introduction in Petroleum Engineering Design B Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term english regular students only 590206
Introduction to Petrophysics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english regular students only 590210
Introduction to Petrophysics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 590210
Entrepreneurship in Oil and Gas Industry - Special Topics Seminar 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600001
Safety Management and Evaluation Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600002
Stratetic Management and Marketing Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600003
Project Management for Industrial Management Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600004
Intellectual Property Rights II Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600005
Logistics in Process Industries Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600006
Industrial Risk Management Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600008
Energy Market and Industrial Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600009
Technology and Innovation Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600010
Methods and instruments of quality management Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600011
Change Management Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600012
Energy Law Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600013
Labor and Social Law Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600014
Human Resources Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600015
Intellectual Property Basics I Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600016
Lean Production Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600017
Production management Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600018
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 600020
Cost Accounting and Investment Calculation Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600021
Introduction to data analytics Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 600022
Decision-Making and Risk Analysis Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 600023
Industrial Management and Business Administration Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600025
General Business Administration I Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600028
Exercise General Industrial- and Business Management I Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600030
General Business Administration II Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600031
Occupational Health & Safety Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600033
Exercise General Economic Sciences and Business Administration II Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600034
Macroeconomics, Fiscal and Monetary Policy Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600035
Cost Accounting and Investment Calculation Exercises Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600042
Advanced Petroleum Economics Seminar Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 600044
Trends in digital transformation – Case studies on Industry 4.0 Seminar 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600048
Media Management and Public Relations Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600051
Techniques in moderation and problem solving Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600053
"Advanced Petroleum Economics " Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 600054
Effective Problem Solving Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 600056
Project Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600067
Leadership and Change Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600068
MBA Basics Seminar 2.00 1.00 summer term english all students 600070
Balancing, assessment (valuation) and economic aspects Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 summer term german regular students only 600073
Management Systems for Industrial Logistics Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600076
Knowledge Management Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600077
Project Management Seminar 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600078
Accounting Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600079
Accounting Exercises Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600080
Business Administration Essentials Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600081
General Management Seminar 2.00 1.00 summer term english all students 600082
Management Systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600083
Corporate Information Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600084
Corporate Information Management - Business Cases Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600085
Production Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600086
Strategic Management and Marketing Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600087
Asset Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600088
Corporate Communication Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600089
Finance for Managers Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 summer term german regular students only 600090
Human Resource Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600091
Industrial Risk Management Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600092
Asset and maintenance management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600093
Intercultural Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600094
Quality Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600096
Technology and Innovation Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600097
Advanced Geoenergy Economics Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 600098
Energy Management and Markets Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600099
Energy and Material Flow Management Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 600102
Resource Economics Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 600103
Productions and asset management Lecture 0.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 600104
Industrial Plant Construction Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600106
Sustainability Management Seminar 4.50 3.00 winter term english all students 600107
Quality management Seminar 4.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 600109
Sustainability Controlling Lecture/Practical 3.50 2.00 summer term english all students 600114
Digital Transformation and Economics Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 600116
Introduction to Data Analytics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600118
Human Resource Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 600119
Environmental Controlling Lecture/Practical 3.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600120
Logistics Cost and Service Management Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600121
Energy management systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600123
Advanced Management Sciences 1 Seminar 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600124
Advanced Management Sciences 1 Seminar 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600125
Advanced Management Sciences 2 Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600126
Advanced Management Sciences 2 Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600127
Advanced Management Sciences 3 Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 600128
Advanced Management Sciences 3 Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 600129
Generic Management Lecture 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600168
Methods of scientific working Seminar 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600172
Business Information Systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600193
Exercise Business Informatics Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600194
Activity Based Costing Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600195
Exercises Activity Based Costing Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600196
Logistics in Process Industries Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600203
Intercultural (multicultural) management Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600209
Systems Dynamics and Simulation Seminar 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600212
Excursion Industry Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600219
Sustainable Business Management Seminar 4.50 3.00 winter term english all students 600221
Production Management in the Steel industry Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600222
Material Flow Management Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 600225
Private Lecture for the design of research papers in General Economic Sciences and Business Administration Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600226
Private Lecture for the design of research papers in General Economic Sciences and Business Administration Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600227
Seminar for Diplomand Seminar 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 600242
Seminar for Diplomand Seminar 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 600244
Introduction into General Economics for SNK-Managers Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600245
Strategic Management Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600246
Instruments of the Continuous Improvement Process Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 600247
Risk Management Systems Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600248
Corporate Risk Management Lecture 0.50 0.50 winter term german regular students only 600249
Risk Analysis and Evaluation Lecture 1.50 1.50 winter term german regular students only 600250
Systems of safety management Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term german regular students only 600251
seminar Bachelor's thesis at the Chair of Economics and Business Sciences in the WS Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 600877
Seminar Bachelor's thesis at the Chair of Economics and Business Sciences in the SS Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 600878
Master Thesis Seminar Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 601000
Master Thesis Seminar Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 601000
Do-it Lab Industrial Logistics 1 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 601001
Process Management I: Basics and Methods (for Metallurgists) Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601002
Do-it Lab Industrial Logistics 3 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 601003
Process Management I: Basics and Methods Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 601004
Process Management II: Logistics Process Design Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 601005
Logistics Strategy and Supply Chain Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 601006
Cases Studies in Logistics Strategy and Supply Chain Management Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 601007
Production Planning , Control and Logistics Lecture/Practical 6.00 5.00 summer term german regular students only 601008
Logistics Basics and Concepts Lecture 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 601009
Exercises in Logistics Basics and Concepts Exercises 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 601010
System properties of railway systems Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 601012
Logistics System Design and Material Flow Management Content Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601013
Lab to Logistics System Design and Material Flow Management Content Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 601014
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601015
Obligatory Practice Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601015
Obligatory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601016
Obligatory Practice Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601016
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601017
Obligatory Practice Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601017
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601018
Obligatory Practice Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601018
Obligatory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601019
Obligatory Practice Part 1 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601019
Obligatory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601020
Obligatory Practice Part 2 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601020
Obligatory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601021
Obligatory Practice Part 3 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601021
Obligatory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term german regular students only 601022
Obligatory Practice Part 4 - foreign internship Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term german regular students only 601022
Project Management in Logistics Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 601024
Selected Fileds of Logistics Proseminar 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 601026
Logistics Information Systems Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601030
Lab in Logistics Information Systems Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 601031
Introduction to industrial logistics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601101
Logistics Basics and Concepts Lecture with integrated exercises 10.00 8.00 winter term german regular students only 601109
Basics of Logistics and Quality Management Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601110
Transport and International Logistics Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 601113
Logistics Basics and Concepts Lecture with integrated exercises 8.50 6.00 winter term german regular students only 601119
Logistics Excursion Field Trip 0.50 3.00 summer term german regular students only 601127
Logistics Excursion Field Trip 0.50 3.00 winter term german regular students only 601127
International Logistics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 601131
Do-it Lab Industrial Logistics 2 Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 601200
Simulation of Production Planning and Logistics Seminar 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 601201
Factory Planning and Material Flow Management Lecture with integrated exercises 5.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 601202
"Production Logistics " Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 5.00 summer term german regular students only 601203
"Logistics Strategy and Supply Chain Management " Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 601206
Law Basics for Logisticians Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 601209
Warehousing and Inventory Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 601213
"ICT Applications in Logistics " Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601230
Seminar for Research in Industrial Logistics Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601301
Seminar for Research in Industrial Logistics Privatissimum 0.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601302
Product Variety Management Lecture 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 601306
Product Variety Management Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 601306
Industrial Manufacturing Processes Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 601307
Fundamentals of Logistics Systems Engineering (for International Students Seminar 5.00 5.00 summer term english all students 601308
Fundamentals of Logistics Systems Engineering (for International Students Seminar 5.00 5.00 winter term english all students 601308
Information flow management in logistics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601310
Transport Logistics and Infrastructure Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601313
Warehousing and Inventory Management Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601413
Warehouse Engineering Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 601513
"Introduction to simulation theory " Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601530
Simulation for the optimization of the material flow Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 601531
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Industrial Logistics Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term german regular students only 601877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis - Industrial Logistics Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601878
Operations Management Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 601999
Lab in fundamentals of geosciences 2 Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 610001
Geology of the Earth Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term german all students 610002
Primary Mineral Raw Materials Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 610003
Geoscience Topics Review Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term english regular students only 610005
Deposits of solid energy raw materials Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 610006
Data analysis in geosciences Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 610007
Lab to Structural Geology Field Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 610009
Fundamentals in Geosciences 2 Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term german all students 610011
3D modelling in Economic Geology and Related Fields Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 610012
Mineral Exploration Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 610014
Feasibility Study Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 610018
Economic Geology Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english regular students only 610022
Economic Geology Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term english all students 610023
Historical and regional geology Lecture with integrated exercises 6.00 3.50 summer term german all students 610024
Economic Geology Field Trip Field Trip 2.50 2.50 summer term english all students 610099
Introduction to Palaeontology Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 winter term german all students 610102
Regional Aspects of Economic Geology Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 610105
Lab to the Methods of Geological Sciences Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 610107
Geological Mapping Field Exercises 4.00 3.00 summer term german all students 610108
Advanced Geological Mapping Field Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 610109
Structural Geology Lecture/Practical 5.00 4.00 winter term german all students 610111
Industrial and construction minerals Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 610112
Industrial Minerals and Evaporites Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 610113
Introductory Geological Field Course Field Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german all students 610121
Field Work Data Evaluation and Reporting Exercises 2.00 1.50 summer term german all students 610127
Lab to Geology of Ore Deposits Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 610135
Mineral Deposits Field Trip Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term english regular students only 610137
Tutoring Diploma BSc, MSc and PhD Research in Geology and Mineral Deposits Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german all students 610143
Tutoring Diploma BSc, MSc and PhD Research in Geology and Mineral Deposits Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german all students 610143
Economic Geology Mapping Project Field Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 610153
Geology of Ore Deposits Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 610154
Lagerstättenprojekt Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 610160
Underground Mapping in Geology Field Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 610163
Workshop UZAG Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 620000
Lab to Introduction into Mineralogy and Petrology Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 620002
Fundamentals of Geosciences I Lecture 2.00 1.50 summer term german regular students only 620003
Lab in fundamentals of geosciences I Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 620004
LeGeo Fieldwork Field Trip 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 620005
Introduction to Geosciences Field Trip 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 620007
Fluids in Geology and Mineralogy Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 620008
Optical Microscopy in ore deposit and Material Research Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 620011
Reflected light microscopy Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 620012
Petrology of Magmatic and Metamorphic Rocks Lecture with integrated exercises 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 620016
Optical mineralogy and polarisation microscopy Lecture with integrated exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 620017
Advanced Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Lecture/Practical 4.50 4.00 summer term english all students 620019
Advanced Geochemistry A Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 620021
Applied Mineralogy Lecture 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 620022
Excursion to Applied Mineralogy Field Trip 1.00 0.50 winter term english all students 620023
Excursion to Mineralogy and Petrology Field Trip 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 620024
Analytical Methods in Geosciences Exercises 4.00 2.50 summer term english all students 620027
Optical mineralogy and polarisation microscopy Lecture with integrated exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 620030
Mineralogy Lecture with integrated exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 620075
Lab to Introduction into Mineralogy and Petrology Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 620081
Economic Geology Field Trip Field Trip 2.50 2.50 summer term english all students 620099
Tutoring Diploma BSc, MSc and PhD Research in Resource Mineralogy Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 620101
Tutorial in Resource Mineralogy Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 620101
Microscopy I Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 620108
Microscopy II Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 620109
Lab to Mineralogy Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 620113
Lab Petrology of Magmatic and Metamorphic Rocks Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 620119
Geochemistry Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term german regular students only 620122
Geochemistry Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 620123
Geoscience Seminar I Seminar 0.50 0.50 summer term german regular students only 620126
International Fluid Inclusion Short Course Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 620144
Tutoring MSc and PhD Research in Petroleum Geology Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 summer term english regular students only 630000
Tutoring MSc and PhD Research in Petroleum Geology Privatissimum 0.00 4.00 winter term english regular students only 630000
Introduction to Hydrogeology Lecture/Practical 1.50 1.50 winter term german all students 630001
Advanced Hydrogeology and Deep Geothermal Systems Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 630002
Geoscience Seminar I Seminar 0.25 0.50 winter term german all students 630003
Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630006
Sedimentology Lecture 3.00 2.50 winter term german regular students only 630007
Facieology Lecture 2.00 1.50 winter term german regular students only 630008
Geoenergy Exploration Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 winter term english all students 630009
Petroleum Geology Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630010
Sedimentology/E Lab Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 630011
Lab in Petroleum Geology Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 630012
Engineering Geology Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 630014
Environmental Geology Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 630015
Environmental Protection in Raw Materials Production Lecture/Practical 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 630016
Sedimentology Lecture 4.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 630017
Petroleum Systems and Unconventials Lecture/Practical 4.00 2.50 winter term english all students 630019
Geoenergy Trends in Industry and Academia Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german all students 630021
Sequence Stratigraphy Lecture/Practical 3.50 3.00 summer term german all students 630023
Geological Modelling Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630024
Advanced Geochemistry B Lecture 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 630025
Soil Sciences Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 630026
Sedimentological Field StudyCore Description Field Exercises 3.50 3.00 summer term german all students 630027
Sedimentology of siliceous rocks Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 630028
Conodont stratigraphy Lecture 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 630031
Special microfacies Lecture 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 630032
Basin Evolution and Sedimentary Environments Lecture/Practical 4.50 3.00 summer term german regular students only 630036
Lab in sedimentology of carbonate rocks Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 630038
Lab in Organic Geochemistry Exercises 2.00 2.00 summer term german all students 630039
Sedimentology of Carbonate Rocks Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 630051
Lab in sedimentology Exercises 1.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 630084
Quaternary Geology Lecture 1.50 1.00 winter term english all students 630089
Advanced Geochemistry B Lecture 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 630090
Tutoring MSc and PhD Research in Energy Geosciences Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 summer term german all students 630100
Tutoring MSc and PhD Research in Energy Geosciences Privatissimum 4.00 4.00 winter term german all students 630100
Applied geo- and hydrogeology Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term german regular students only 630106
Sedimentology for Petroleum Engineers Lecture 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630113
Sedimentology/E Lecture 3.00 2.50 winter term english all students 630114
Advanced Hydrogeology Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630133
Groundwater Modelling and Contaminant Transport Lecture 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 630141
Petroleum Operations and Production Geology Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630144
Clay Mineralogy Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 630145
Reservoir Rocks Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 summer term english all students 630150
Petroleum Exploration Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630154
Regional Petroleum Geology Lecture 2.50 2.00 summer term english all students 630156
Coal Geology and Organic Petrography Lecture 1.50 1.00 summer term english all students 630157
Sedimentology for Petroleum Engineers Lab Exercises 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 630170
Transferable Skills Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.33 summer term german regular students only 641000
Transferable Skills Lecture/Practical 2.00 1.33 winter term german regular students only 641000
Rhetoric / Public Speaking Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 winter term german regular students only 641001
Presenting & Visualising Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 summer term english all students 641002
Presenting & Visualising Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 winter term german regular students only 641002
Self-Management Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 winter term german regular students only 641003
Self-Management Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 summer term german regular students only 641003
Ethics Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 winter term german regular students only 641004
Excel / R RStudio Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 summer term german regular students only 641005
Excel Lecture/Practical 0.00 0.33 winter term german regular students only 641005
German B2.1 - Pre-study course Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641008
German B2.2 - Pre-study course Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641009
"German B1.1 - Pre-study course " Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641010
"German B1.2 - Pre-study course " Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641011
German B1-Bridge Course- pre-study course Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 641012
English B2.2 - Pre-study course Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 641013
German B2- Pre-study course Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641015
German for Engineering Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641016
English B2.1 - Pre-study course Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 641018
"English B1.1 intensive - Pre-study course " Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term english all students 641020
"English B1.2 intensive- Pre-study course " Lecture/Practical 6.00 4.00 winter term english all students 641021
"English B1-Bridge Course-pre-study course " Lecture/Practical 3.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641022
English for Academic Purposes (Pre-study course) Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641025
Mathematics A - Pre-Study Course Lecture 6.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641030
Mathematics B - Pre-Study Course Lecture 6.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 641031
Physics - Pre-Study Course Lecture 6.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 641032
Chemestry - Pre-Study Course Lecture 6.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641034
ECUST Summer School A1+/A2 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 641050
Voluntary social work Exercises 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641060
Voluntary social work Exercises 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641061
Culture Exercises 1.00 1.00 summer term german regular students only 641062
Choral Singing Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 641147
Choral Singing Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641154
Symphonic wind orchestra Exercises 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 641300
Symphonic wind orchestra Exercises 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641301
English Debating Skills Course Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 641331
English Debating Skills Course Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 641332
English Debating Skills Course Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641333
English Debating Skills Course Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641334
English for Academic Purposes II Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641448
English for Academic Purposes II Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641448
Spanish A1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term ES regular students only 641509
Spanish A1.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term ES regular students only 641510
Spanish A2.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term ES regular students only 641511
Spanish A2.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term ES regular students only 641512
Advanced Rhetoric: The Science of Negotiating Win-Win Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641524
Rhetoric Basics: The Science of Being Right Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term german regular students only 641527
Rhetoric Basics: The Science of Being Right Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 641527
Advanced Rhetoric: The Science of Negotiating Win-Win (in English) Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term german regular students only 641528
Rhetoric Basics: The Science of Being Right Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641529
"English 1: Language Consolidation B1 " Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 641530
Effective Meetings and Negotiations in English - B2 Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 641531
Applying for a Job in English Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 winter term english all students 641532
Intercultural Competence and Communication Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 641534
" Intensive Incoming English Course " Lecture/Practical 4.00 3.00 winter term english all students 641535
"Intensive Incoming English Course " Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 641536
English for Academic Purposes Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term english all students 641537
English for Academic Purposes Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term english all students 641538
Practicing Principles of International Leadership in English Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641539
English 3 Upper-Intermediate C1.1 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641541
English 4 Advanced C1.2 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641542
Exam Preparation TOEFL & IELTS Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641543
English Business Focus B2 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 641544
Exam Preparation TOEFL & IELTS Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641546
Communication in Engineering B2.2 Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 641547
German as a foreign language A1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641549
German as a foreign Language A1.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641550
German as a foreign language A2.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641551
German as a foreign language A2.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641551
Advanced English Communication in Engineering Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641552
German as a foreign language A1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641554
German as a foreign language A1.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641556
German as a foreign language B1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641557
German as a foreign language A2.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641558
German as a foreign language B2.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641559
English 2 Language Consolidation B2 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 641564
French A1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641567
English for Engineers (Polymer Science) Application for the Basics Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 summer term english all students 641568
French A2.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641569
Italian A1.1 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 641570
Portuguese A1.1 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 winter term german regular students only 641571
Italian A1.2 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641572
Portuguese A1.2 Lecture/Practical 3.00 3.00 summer term german regular students only 641574
German as a foreign language B1.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641580
Deutsch als Fremdsprache B2.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641582
German C1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term german regular students only 641583
Spanish for Professional Purposes Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term ES regular students only 641584
German C1.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term german regular students only 641585
French A2.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term FR regular students only 641586
Effective Presentation Skills in English - B2 Lecture/Practical 1.00 1.00 summer term english all students 641598
Spanish B1.1 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 winter term ES regular students only 641613
"Spanish B1.2/Dele Preparation " Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term ES regular students only 641623
French A1.2 Lecture/Practical 4.00 4.00 summer term FR regular students only 641668
Introduction to Circular Engineering Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 642003
"Compulsory Internship CE Part 1 " Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642004
"Compulsory Internship CE Part 1 " Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642005
Compulsory Internship CE Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642006
Compulsory Internship CE Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642007
Compulsory Internship CE Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642008
Compulsory Internship CE Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642009
Compulsory Internship CE Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642010
Compulsory Internship CE Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642011
Compulsory Internship CE Part 1 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642012
Compulsory Internship CE Part 1 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642013
Compulsory Internship CE Part 2 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642014
Compulsory Internship CE Part 2 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642015
Compulsory Internship CE Part 3 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642016
Compulsory Internship CE Part 3 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642017
Compulsory Internship CE Part 4 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642018
Compulsory Internship CE Part 4 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642019
"Do-it Lab 1 " Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term english all students 642031
Do-it Lab 2 Exercises 2.00 1.00 winter term german regular students only 642033
Do-it Lab 3 Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term english all students 642034
Do-it Lab Circular Engineering Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term english all students 642036
Do-it Lab Circular Economy Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term english all students 642038
Introduction to Responsible Consumption and Production Lecture/Practical 2.00 2.00 winter term english all students 642051
Do-it Lab Responsible Consumption and Production Exercises 2.00 1.00 summer term english all students 642052
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642053
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 1 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642054
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642055
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 2 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642056
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642057
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 3 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642058
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642059
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 4 Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642060
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 1 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642061
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 1 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642062
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 2 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642063
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 2 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642064
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 3 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642065
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 3 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642066
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 4 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 winter term english all students 642067
Compulsory Internship RCP Part 4 - Internship abroad Practice 7.50 0.00 summer term english all students 642068
Seminar Master thesis Circular Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 642081
Seminar Master thesis Circular Engineering Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 642082
Seminar Master thesis Responsible Consumption and Production Seminar 3.00 3.00 winter term english all students 642083
Seminar Master thesis Responsible Consumption and Production Seminar 3.00 3.00 summer term english all students 642084
Campus of Change | A sustainable society in a time of climate crisis Lecture 3.00 2.50 summer term german regular students only 642100
Seminar Bachelor Thesis – Circular Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term english all students 642877
Seminar Bachelor Thesis – Circular Engineering Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term english all students 642878
Seminar Bachelor Thesis – Responsible Consumption and Production Seminar 7.50 2.00 winter term english all students 642879
Seminar Bachelor Thesis – Responsible Consumption and Production Seminar 7.50 2.00 summer term english all students 642880