Lab Equipment

MBRAUN LabStar two unit Ar glovebox system

Custom-built motorized 2D materials stamping stage, suitable for air-senstive materials and water bubbles free interfaces. The 9-degree-of-freedom setup allows for sub-micron alignment of 2D flakes, with centric 360deg substrate rotation, and fine control over the stamp tilt and pitch angles.

AIST NT ambient atomic force microscope

AIST NT ambient atomic force microscope

coupled to Horiba Labram Evolution spectrometer, TERS capability, and as 2D Mat_Lab  specialty in-operando frequency modulated KPFM.
Rohrstoffmineralogie equipment in cooperation with Chair of Physics.

Transfer stage

Transfer stage

 The system is custom-built tube lens system with several micromanipulators for stacking of various 2D materials into heterostructures under ambient conditions. The sample/substrate stage has 360 degree centric rotation feature with below 0.1 degree precision, and controllable heating option. Stamp carrying stage has five degrees of freedom, xyz translation, tilt, and pitch. Lateral precision for the stacking of flakes is usually below 1 micrometer. The system is also used for silver epoxy based bonding of the devices.

Nabertherm Compact tube furnace

Nabertherm Compact tube furnace

The furnace is employed in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) setup targeting the growth of TMDCs on various substrates, as well as for recrystallizing and initiating phase transitions in phyllosilicates. The setup is equipped with Ar/H2 carrier gasses, and sulfur/selenium sources. The system is designed for both dry and wet transition metal precursor use, and is connected to an Ar/low-vacuum glovebox for sample exchange.







Instec Microprobe Station 

Instec Microprobe Station 

The micro probe station operates under ambient or under low vacuum (1e-2 mbar), with four Au/Pd probes, and sample cooling/heating stage. It can operate under liquid nitrogen (77 K) and up to 673 K. The system is connected to a Kethley dual-source unit, and is dedicated mainly for characterizing the electrical properties of 2D materials-based devices. The system can be combined with external permanent magnets, reaching up to 120 mT fields in an out-of-plane configuration. Further, the system is possible to combine with confocal microscopes of spectroscopic setups. This can allow for e.g. for simultaneous Raman and transport measurements, or measurements of electroluminescence.

Plasma cleaner

Plasma cleaner

Nanoparticles deposition setup

Nanoparticles deposition setup

The setup is based on a home-built laser engraver with multiple wavelength options. The system is employing 3D printed parts for the tube lens construction and automated sample scanning stage. It is dedicated to controllable photocatalysis of metallic nanoparticles, and laser patterning with below 10 micrometer lateral resolution.

Lab Work in Motion

Micro photography Gallery